That boon underscores how the biggest banks’ roles as financial intermediaries can translate to billions of dollars of profits.
Adaptability: The Ultimate Virtue
A successful sponsor will need to have the ability to adapt to an ever-changing real estate landscape.
Wave of “Rescue” Capital Moves on Ahead of Opportunistic Buyers
Rescue capital could make a dent in the amount of distressed real estate deals in the market.
Nine Must Reads for the CRE Industry Today (July 13, 2020)
Commercial real estate companies have been hiring infectious disease experts to help evaluate their properties, reports Fast Company. Small businesses may use new bankruptcy laws to get out of leases, according to the Wall Street Journal. These are among today’s must reads from around the commercial real estate industry.
Some Chinese Ports Are Jammed Again on Intensive Testing of Food
China began testing cold food shipments for the virus last month.
Insurers “Are Already Preparing to Pay Some Fraction” of Pandemic-Related Claims, Lawyers Say
So far, insurers have been balking at paying business interruption plans for pandemic shutdowns, but that is likely to change.
Nine Must Reads for the CRE Industry Today (July 11, 2020)
Pension funds are finding it hard to value their real estate holdings amid the pandemic disruption, reports the Wall Street Journal. Up to 28 million Americans might soon be facing evictions, according to CNBC. These are among today’s must reads from around the commercial real estate industry.
Trump Wins Court Hold on Hotel Emoluments Suit During Appeal
The extension means that the financial information tied to the D.C. hotel likely won’t get released before the election.
Nine Must Reads for the CRE Industry Today (July 10, 2020)
National office and apartment vacancy rates rose only marginally in the second quarter, reports Reuters. As online sales boom during the pandemic, the U.S. may need another 1 billion square feet of warehouse space by 2025, according to CNBC. These are among today’s must reads from around the commercial real estate industry.
Nursing Homes Operators Must Prepare for Rising Staff Wages
Labor costs in the sector are increasing as operators confront labor shortages and higher risk to staff.