FREE Marketing,SEO, Advertising, & Franchising Workshop Calgary-May 27 With Marketing & Franchise Expert Allan Fine. NEVER STOP Marketing Is your business failing, do you wish you knew exactly what to do to fix it? Is your Marketing consistent? Do you have a great website that drives leads to you all the time? Do you wish you did? 97% of Businesses FAIL due to wrong or inconsistent Marketing Demand RESULTS From Your Marketing TLC Franchising presents The Free Marketing, Advertising, Business Building and Franchising Workshop As the Business Owner here are a few key questions you might ask about your marketing. What is your unique Marketing Message? Who knows this? Where do you place this message that is effective? What do you do that might detract from this message? What resources lie untapped or underutilized that might help this message? Is everything you say consistent with your unique marketing message? What will you do to magnify and multiply your message? As the Owner it is not your job to know all the answers, it is your job to ask the right questions. Then listen. Do you want to gain a stronger marketing advantage? Do you want to transform your company into a driving force in your industry? Beware of Business and or Marketing Coaches that spout myths, and who seem to miss the point of marketing. Your Marketing MUST help you sell period, and help you get your Unique Marketing Message OUT and gain a higher market share. The KEY to opening up doors for your company …
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