Industrial Shop & Yard Space Kentucky Ave Woodland CA 352 W. Kentucky Avenue, Woodland, CA Sheffield Real Estate (530) 666-5485 Shop & Yard Space 2880± SF Enclosed Shop w/ front/rear roll-up doors 3240± SF Open Covered Area Lot Size = 1.28± Acres2 Offices/2 Restrooms – Great Location Businesxs Advertising Services provided Lee Noring Business Advertising & Distribution provided by Lee Noring SEO Advertising 920 Leo Way Woodland CA 95776 United States (530) 668-1132 – (800) 311-7752 Internet Advertising Starting at only
Video Rating: 0 / 5 With all of the calls and emails that we get on a daily basis – I suppose I should clarify some of what we do. We sell houses, first and foremost. I don’t allow for any, outside of Paris911, advertising to be placed on our sites, blogs etc. I will however, assist your Santa Clarita Business with exposure and spread the word about what you do and how you do it in SCV. The Pay off? I am a Realtor, RE of the Paris911 Team. If I can bring you business and increase your exposure for FREE – Then that is the pay off. I love building and helping, it was from all of those years in Public Service. I am not an SEO guru, I don’t build websites or provide blogs for anyone. However, If I can take a sellers house that they have trusted me to sell and place it in front of more qualified buyers than anyone else can – then I know I can do it for your local Santa Clarita Business. Did I say I am in Real Estate? Be Safe and I hope you are
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