REITs Continue Leadership on Sustainability, Advocate Says

Cliff Majersik, executive director at the Institute for Market Transformation (IMT), joined for a video interview at NAREIT’s 2016 Leader in the Light Working Forum at the Ritz Carlton – Coconut Grove in Miami.

IMT is a nonprofit organization promoting energy efficiency, green building and environmental protection in the United States and abroad.

Majersik noted that during the past year, REITs have continued their sustainability leadership.


EPR Properties Broadening Opportunities Under REIT’s New Leadership

Record box-office revenues, long waits at golf entertainment venues and growth in charter schools all point to higher earnings at EPR Properties (NYSE: EPR) this year, according to new president and CEO Greg Silvers.

Silvers succeeds David Brain, who co-founded the company and served as its president and CEO from 1999 until earlier this year. For his part, Silvers has held several positions since joining EPR in 1998, most recently as executive vice president and COO.


NAREIT Announces 2015 Leadership, Neithercut Elected Chair

(L to R) First Vice Chair David B. Henry, Chair David J. Neithercut, Second Vice Chair Edward J. Fritsch and Treasurer Timothy J. Naughton

The National Association of Real Estate Investment Trusts (NAREIT) today announced the election of its 2015 officers, as well as the members of its Executive Board, the organization’s sole governing board.

Elected Chair was David J. Neithercut, President and CEO of Equity Residential. Neithercut takes the place of NAREIT’s 2014 Chair, Ronald L. Havner, Jr., Chairman, CEO and President of Public Storage.
