www.GailBottomleyOnline.com In the world of Internet Marketing it is important even inperitive that you get Backlinks. What are backlinks…. well a back link is when someone clicks on either an article or a video or something you have created and it takes them back to your Website, or Blog or Affiliate Product. So the idea is to produce articles and video’s etc that people will want to take and use on their sites or newsletters or where ever they want so that you can get the backlink. The idea is to clelbrate when someone takes your artciles and videos and uses’s them as you know that you are going to get back links, that’s people back to your site from them. Some people get upset when they see there video or article on someone else’s site, well thats not the way it is you celelbrate. It only becomes a problem when some one has taken your “stuff” and put it on their site and not taken your links. So the etiqutte is that when you take others people articles and video’s that you leave them in tact so they get the back link. I guess the famous Bible quote here is good to remember “Do unto others as you want them to do unto you.” Anyway I have some tips here to help you get the most out of your Back links. 1. Your Content has to be New 2. You Need to Link Back to Your site using Your Keywords 3. You need to make sure you are getting links back to your site from sites that are related in some way to yours 4. You must try to get Tons of links, you need heaps, he who has most …