PHP MicroCMS (PHP MCMS) Multi-Language version is a simple, but very powerful Content Management System that everyone can use. The PHP MCMS can be installed easily by web developers, webmasters, graphic designers, etc. PHP MCMS was developed in OOP and allows users to build websites in a few minutes. PHP MicroCMS allows users with very little technical knowledge to build websites, as done by millions of bloggers on the web. PHP MicroCMS requires NO knowledge of HTML, although HTML can be used to enhance the pages by adding headings, images, hyperlinks or simply to emphasize text. The PHP MCMS is an excellent tool for those who: 1.Want to create web sites. 2.Look for small, but powerful CMS. 3.Need to build a secure web site quickly. Main Features: 1. One-Year FREE Updates 2. Multi-Language 3. Uploading/deleting images via WYSIWYG 4. Image gallery for uploaded pictures 5. Easy installation 6. Design Templates 7. Extra X-Gray template 8. Includes 5 CSS Templates 9. Customizing header/footer 10. One click page creation, editing, or deleting 11. WYSIWYG pages editor 12. Backup and Restore module 13. News module 14. Multi-Browser support 15. Multilingual text processing (UTF-8) 16. SEO optimized links 17. Left/Top menu links
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