Roger Waesche Jr., president and CEO of Corporate Office Properties Trust (NYSE: COPT) joined for a CEO Spotlight video interview at REITWorld 2014: NAREIT’s Annual Convention for All Things REIT at the Atlanta Marriott Marquis.
Bluerock CEO Sees Strong Growth Prospects in Multifamily Rental Market
Bluerock Real Estate LLC Chairman and CEO Ramin Kamfar joined for a CEO Spotlight video interview during REITWeek 2014: NAREIT’s Investor Forum, held in New York.
The firm’s Total Income + Real Estate fund pursues a mix of 80 percent private real estate and 20 percent public real estate investments. Meanwhile, Bluerock Residential Growth REIT, Inc. (NYSE: BRG), which completed a public offering in April, is focused on institutional-quality apartment properties in demographically attractive growth markets throughout the United States.
CoStar Economist High on Prospects for Industrial Sector
Hans Nordby, chief economist with CoStar, joined for a video interview during REITWise 2014: NAREIT’s Law, Accounting and Finance Conference held in Boca Raton, Fla.
Nordby was asked for his thoughts on sectors within the REIT industry that he expects to outperform. Of the “four major food groups” in the REIT market, Nordby singled out the industrial sector as the one that looks most promising in the near term.
Realtor Marketing Ideas Firms Rankings for more leads & Hot Prospects Realtor Marketing Expert Nathan Salmon of Capital-Visions has more than 5 years experience in the Real Estate Marketing niche. His clients are vast and from all over the world. The one consistent factor is that he realises that real estate agents have that inner desire and winning edge to achieve and are willing to do whatever it takes to become the HUNTED instead of the Hunter. You may share the same SUCCESS mindset and want to know how to get free leads and traffic to chase you. My guess is that you have done all of the ‘old school’ methods like Yellow Pages, Magazine Ads and Newspaper advertising to attract new business but it has not yielded you the return you wanted. This is because it is now vital that you have an effective Realtor Marketing Plan and can distinguish that your prospects are now found online searching through mediums such as YouTube, Facebook, Twitter & Google to find your service. Did you know that 80% of all search is done on a demographic level so they are searching directly for you on Google right now in your town but can you be found? Realtor Marketing Ideas are ’10 a penny’ however the main factor is that you can get real tangible results and not just concepts or untested strategies. This is what Nathan Salmon is a specialist at he teaches you how to use tried and tested methods which will place you and your brand in the ‘Eye of the Storm.’Long gone are the days where you could just do shotgun marketing and expect an okay …
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Driving Prospects To Your Website – A Long & Foster Quick Success Tips Video

In this Quick Success Tips video from the Long & Foste Quick Success Tips Series, Randy Eagar talks about how to drive prospects to your website. It is important to meet customer demands online as well as offline. Online it is about knowing how to make sure you understand how customers are shopping online – specifically what “keywords” they are typing in. This video is part of the library of Quick Success Tips videos available exclusively for Long & Foster agents. If you are a Long & Foster agent, visit the Long & Foster Intranet Cafe’ to view and see more from this extensive training library. If you are considering a career in real estate or are currently in the business and interested in tools like these and many more, visit a Long & Foster Branch Manager near you. They can show you how Long & Foster delivers on the commitment to have the Best Trained, Best Equipped agents in real estate.
Intro and slight tutorial on WordPress setup as a property management website with a Real Estate plugin, Next Gen Gallery, and All-In-One-SEO all tied together.
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8 Steps to Driving Prospects to Your Website for SEO Visibility Webinar

Go to to get the handout. This webinar gives you the 8 steps you must know to drive your website to the top of the Google rankings. Video includes a step by step analysis of how to get your website seen over your competition for Search Engine Optimization. Learn how to choose the best keyword phrases, create winning domain names and build SEO friendly Titles. Understand the beauty of The Long Tail Theory.