UPDATE: Washington state’s Department of General Administration has declared a moratorium on any new requests to place holiday displays in the state capitol building. Link: seattletimes.nwsource.com ======================================= The recent controversy regarding the atheist placard that’s part of a holiday display in the Washington state capitol building demonstrates yet again why religious and religion-related displays have no place on public property. A few links. The Seattle Times report back in late October 2008, announcing the approval of permits for both the Nativity scene and the placard from the Freedom from Religion Foundation to be on display in the capitol building during the holiday season: seattletimes.nwsource.com The media release from the Freedom from Religion Foundation: www.ffrf.org Washington State’s General Administration Department’s online statement about the controversy: www.ga.wa.gov Bill OReilly and Laura Ingraham carrying on about, demagoging, and misstating the facts and law vis-a-vis the inclusion of the atheist placard in the Washington holiday display: www.youtube.com Fox News’s Megyn Kelly attempts to give Bill OReilly a primer on the law relevant to the holiday display in Washington’s capitol building, but Mr. OReilly just wants to yell and bang on the table: www.youtube.com County of Allegheny v. American Civil Liberties Union (one of the leading cases on holiday displays on public property, and the one from which I quote in the …
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