Goldman Sachs = Neo-Slavery = Government

Add me as a friend on Facebook! Get DAILY GrowBy10 Updates on Twitter! Just about everyone has heard of Goldman Sachs. Few, until recently, had heard of Mike Morgan, a Florida-based investment adviser, just recovered from heart surgery. Over the past few months, Morgan has become one of those shooting stars of cyberspace. He set up a blog, , whose posts have included “Does Goldman Sachs run the world?” and “If Goldman Sachs robbed your house, what would you do?”. Aggrieved at being traduced under the devil’s sign, the American investment bank ordered Morgan to take down his site. He refused. A legal spat ensued. Now, the site appears with the following disclaimer: “This website has not been approved by Goldman Sachs. This website was designed to provide information about Goldman Sachs to demonstrate [in Mr Morgan’s view] how destructive this company is to our lives and the hopes and dreams of our children.” Few companies generate such vitriol. But sometimes you wonder if Goldman doesn’t actually want to be hated. Just look at this week’s humdinger. Fresh from repaying billion (£6 billion) of rescue funding from the American taxpayer, and amid the biggest economic crisis since the 1930s, Goldman turned in record second-quarter earnings of .44 billion a 65 per cent rise year-on-year. That’s only half of it, though. The upshot of these monster earnings is that Goldman’s 29400 staff are set to rake it in as never before

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