www.SmallBusinessOnlineCoach.com If you want to dominate the web, then you must spend some time with Google. Start by dating Google. Get know each other and patterns will appear. This video takes a look at what universal search is telling us about how to market our businesses online. Getting to Page of of Google is not tough when you know where to focus your efforts and which web 2.0 properties to use. If you liked this video then subscribe to our channel youtube.com and we will send you updates on new videos when they are released.

www.tizish.com – In this video you will learn about a term called the ‘canonical url tag’. This term refers to a piece of code that Google and the other search engines see in your website that tells them what the original url of your webpages are. The benefit for this is that if you get links pointing to articles and videos on your blog that are not setup in the same way the url structure of your actual site is, then at least with the canonical url tag, the search engines will know which one is the real url to use, index, and give link juice too. This helps your SEO big time and prevents duplicate content issues! Here are two WordPress tools I cover in this video that do just that yoast.com wordpress.org