Key Yessaad Real Estate Web Trainer About Key Yessaad, I have designed a series of Trainings that tackle the necessary understanding required by agents to compete on the internet. These trainings focus on Web Strategy, Internet Marketing, and Social Media Integration. To train, inspire, and empower Real Estate Professionals succeed are my passion. I have a niche area of expertise which is the combination of Real Estate Web Strategy and Systems Implementation… I derived my focus based on the realization that tools abound but results are few and far between… The synthesis of several years as the Business Manager, CFO, and Web Trainer of a Real Estate Company with 5 offices and over 100 agents gives me insights on what works and the bad habits that haunt Realtors in their career. I have designed a series of Real Estate Training Seminars to bring back much needed professionalism in the field of Real Estate… I am not known for talking agents into a Real Estate Career; in fact I find that some should be talked out it; and the sooner the better… there is a hunger in the marketplace for Real Estate Professionals – those with the ethics, stamina, and commitment to help the community benefit from thoughtful Real Estate Growth. Key Yessaad
Video Rating: 0 / 5 – In this video I show you several ways to easily find content relevant real estate blogs that you can begin building backlinks with by commenting on their articles. In this video I go over the websites below so be sure to open these and use them along with the tutorial. List of real estate blogs that are dofollow Dofollow search engines: This video is part of the Ultimate Real Estate Link Building Guide found here:
Video Rating: 5 / 5