Unlimited Instant Traffic

www.weblinksnetwork.com – Human Edited Directory. Get 1000 visitors daily to your website instantly. Just check this video and follow the tips to get the free traffic to your website.
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John Mulligan, SEO-PR, interviews Kevin Ryan, Chief Marketing Officer, WebVisible and SES Advisory Board member, about the Universal Search panel at SES New York 2009. Kevin described a combination of perspectives, including the search engines and various agencies. The search results page is changing, incorporating new developments such as images, video, news, local results. Kevin says the old model was optimizing for blue text links and focus on sight content and text. But now, everything is blended together and Website owners should now be aware that everything on their website is an asset and it’s important to think of it in that capacity. Kevin also says the algorithms always have to be refined. Kevin recommends stories he has written on Search Engine Watch that explain where people can begin to optimize all of the content on their website. Go to: www.searchenginewatch.com for more info.
Video Rating: 0 / 5

RSS Promotion Part 2! How to Create RSS Feeds for Instant Back Links and Increased Traffic.

www.onlinesellingsites.com Promote your RSS Feeds to Multiple RSS Aggregators for instant back links and website traffic. (get it free at www.google-pageone.com ). You get RSS Feed Creator and RSS Power Plus Multiple Submission tool. Most people are not submitting their RSS Feeds to rss aggregator sites because it’s a slow process. With this program you can do multiple submission to all the aggregators with one click, plus create RSS feeds for your YouTube Channel of other websites for additional back links. This gives you higher page rank in Google along with increased web traffic. Learn more at http
Video Rating: 0 / 5

Instant Chat for Real Estate sites – zopim

www.zopim.com Instant chat for real estate sites converts missing leads! In the first week I had 54 conversations with people by instant caht via my site and phone. I have turned an average of 2 people a day into leads I’m now working with who are looking to move in 6 months or less and not working with any other agent. The cool part is the price (free) and that 90% of the people I’m adding to my database didn’t fill in a registration form prior to that 🙂 This is hands down the tool for the next generation agent who has a internet lead generation business. Get your free account today to try it: www.zopim.com I’m doing the a month plan because of the personalization and fact I need the ability to carry more than one conversation at the same time.
Video Rating: 5 / 5

Google Instant, Bing #2, PageRank update, Twitter & More

www.SERoundtable.com – I missed last week’s recap, so I covered two weeks in this single recap. Also note, I am offline the next two Fridays, so I will not be producing a video recap for a couple weeks. That being said, this week I covered the Google Instant news, including my NBC appearance. Bing reached new heights, reaching the number two position above Yahoo, below Google as a search engine. Google made a small PageRank update. I released the Google webmaster report for September 2001. Google released new attributes for multi-lingual sites. I published eight new polls. Google’s advertiser spend was revealed by a leaked internal Google memo. Google brings back the affiliate network. Twitter completely redesigned, it is neat. Bing is revamping their webmaster communications, I believe. I am accepting speaker pitches for SphinnCon Israel now. That was this past week at the Search Engine Roundtable. Google Instant: Predictions Were Right : www.seroundtable.com Google Logo Colors Letters As You Type : www.seroundtable.com Google Balls Logo : www.seroundtable.com What Is Missing In Google Instant Search? : www.seroundtable.com Google To Fix Lesbians & Explains Why Instant Results Are Omitted : www.seroundtable.com Bing Now #2 Search Engine, They Didn’t Even Have To Take Over Yahoo : www.seroundtable.com Some Reports of September 2010 Google PageRank Update : www.seroundtable.com September 2010 Google Webmaster Report : www.seroundtable.com Google Offers Rel=Alternate Tag
Video Rating: 5 / 5