In the latest edition of Quick Study, Brad Case, NAREIT’s senior vice president for research and industry information, said that REIT shares continued to decline in October, but added that economic fundamentals continue to support the sector.
Health Care REIT Expanding Through Acquisitions, Development
Thomas DeRosa, CEO of Health Care REIT, Inc. (NYSE: HCN), joined for a CEO Spotlight video interview during REITWeek 2014: NAREIT’s Investor Forum, held in New York.
The health care REIT sector has seen a heightened level of activity in 2014 on both the transactions and capital markets front. Health Care REIT completed a major equity offering earlier in the year that netted the company $ 1 billion in fresh capital. DeRosa called his company’s pipeline for acquisitions “very strong.”
Get PR 5-9 One Way Links For Free And Completely Dominate Your Niche Through Free Advertising In this video I show you how to get highly relevant one ways links to your site with authority PR5-9 websites absolutely free and honestly. This is a simple strategy that if applied over one year will have your website dominating it’s niche. Cost is only a little elbow grease. Let me know what you think in the comments area. Thanks. Matthew Meyer. The Free Ad Forum.
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YasTech Developments Home Walk Through Demonstration Video
A quick demo of a home walk through video tour. Perfect for home builders, renovations, ready to move homes, and real estate agents selling homes.
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Chrome Strike Through In Link Fix Strike Through Lines In Links-The Fix When using Chrome, the extension SEO Quake will cause strike throughs in links if the Highlight NoFollow link option is selected. Go to the extension drop down menu. Deselect it and the strike through problem is solved. Claude Pelanne My Links http
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The Walk Through – Dynamic Page Solutions Presents an overview of a real estate IDX technology that makes MLS data visible and indexable within the search engines. Features and benefits are explained.
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When it comes to “Real Time Search Results”, Google is evolving. From their Social Circle BETA (where Twitter tweets are posted on Google’s SERPs) to their new launch of Google Buzz, the company is improving the way results are shared with consumers. To see how I am evolving with Search and New Age Social Media, check out the Aaron Auxier Social Media Hub. While obviously the leader above Yahoo! and Bing, Google still has much work to do. Too often when searching for information, old websites that used Black Hat SEO optimization tactics are still appearing at the top of the results pages. As an avid and active Las Vegas luxury real estate specialist who spends much time online educating people, the shift to higher search engine results for true hard work is a welcomed addition to my marketing efforts.
Targeted Advertising Through SEO Chris Sandberg covers some basic on-page Search Engine Optimization and discusses how SEO can be used as a very targeted form of advertising
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Men on Camel ride through protesters in Cairo[2]
Iran TV: 1000 killed or injured in Tahrir Square, by Israelie Jews Commandos اشتباكات وضحايا بميدان التحرير بالقاهرة تواصلت اشتباكات عنيفة اليوم بميدان التحرير بالقاهرة بين المتظاهرين المطالبين بتنحي الرئيس حسني مبارك، وجموع عرفت في البداية على أنها مؤيدة له، قبل أن تشير وكالات الأنباء وشهود إلى أنها خليط من رجال أمن بملابس مدنية إلى جانب ما يعرف بـ(البلطجية)، وسط أنباء عن سقوط مائة جريح. وأظهرت صور تلفزيونية مباشرة اشتباكات عنيفة وتراشقا بالحجارة، بين الجموع الغفيرة على مداخل ميدان التحرير، وقال شاهد عيان للجزيرة عبر الهاتف، إن من وصفهم بـ”بلطجية حسني مبارك ورجال الشرطة السرية استخدموا الهراوات ومواد حارقة ضد المتظاهرين”. وظهر في صور الاشتباكات مهاجمون يمتطون أحصنة وجمالا وعربات مجرورة يحملون ما يبدو أنها عصي وقضبان حديدية يغيرون على جموع من المتظاهرين المطالبين برحيل مبارك. وشوهد في لقطات أخرى صور لمتظاهرين يسيطرون على مهاجمين كانوا فوق أحصنة ، وآخرين يبرزون هويات رجال أمن يبدو أنها انتزعت أو سقطت من المهاجمين أثناء الاشتباكات. واتهمت مصادر صحفية -تحدثت للجزيرة- من وصفتهم بعناصر من وزارة الداخلية بلباس مدني ومن يوصفون بـ(البلطجية) بالقيام بالهجوم على المتظاهرين في ميدان التحرير. algerian algeria cairo france mohamed bouteflika algerie émeutes riots maroc arabe england USA islam police ben ali egypt husni mubarak TUNISIE tunis news world war street israel محمد بوعزيزي tunisie egypt football الجزائر المغرب بوتفليقة تونس إنتفاضة حسني مبارك حرق العراق العرب الإسلام إسرائيل مصر القاهرة مصر الجزائر المغرب تونس الكويت دبي الإمارات قطر السودان البحرين لبنان فلسطين الأردن عمان …
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Google I/O 2010 – Where is the social web going next? Social Web 201 Adam Nash, Neal Sample, Chris Messina, Angus Logan, Ryan Sarver, Chris Cole, Kara Swisher (moderator) With the advent of social protocols like OAuth, OpenID and, it’s clear that the web has gone social and is becoming more open. Adam Nash (LinkedIn), Daniel Raffel (Yahoo), Chris Messina (Google), Angus Logan (Microsoft), Ryan Sarver (Twitter), and Chris Cole (MySpace) will discuss the importance of such emerging technologies, how they’ve adopted them in their products and debate what’s next. Kara Swisher will moderate. For all I/O 2010 sessions, please go to
Ralph & Monique Hire Virtual Assistant through Source Labor
Ralph and Monique rag on each other a lot but have a great business idea that just needs a little help getting started. Source Labor is a Virtual Assistant employment agency based in the United States. The following services are provided: Customer Service, Data Entry, Online Research, Personal Assistant, Real Estate Assistant, Receptionist, SEO Specialist, Social Media Marketing, Web Design and Programming. Visit today and hire a Virtual Assistant for your business.
Sorting through Northern Virginia active real estate listings with IDX services
This video, applicable to the Virginia real estate market, specifically the Northern Virginia real estate market, explains why some houses that are active are actually under contract.
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