adf.ly SEO – Search Optimization. Have a txt file of all forums you want links posted on. ———————– Found this somewhere on my computer, it works but run it in Sandboxie just in case.
www.smartboxwebmarketing.com Every business, whether large or small, needs something called SEO, or search engine optimization. So what is that? SEO is a way to have your dental practice found on the Internet quickly, easily and in front of your competition. The first rule of good SEO is relevant, fresh content. That means you want to add information to your site as often as possible to keep your dental practice on the cutting edge. Two other important factors to good SEO are 1) Making sure the code on your site is updated frequently for technology improvements and 2) building links from high quality sites back to yours. Get in touch with us today to learn how we can help your dental practice rank high in the search engines and direct new patients to your office.
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