Best SEO eBook – The Dao of SEO

Buy the book now on The Dao of SEO, by Toronto SEO professional Ken Sproul, is a quick-read search engine optimization book (also in ebook form for quick download) ideal for self-study or staff training. The book provides a guiding philosophy for effective SEO and plenty of easy to apply tips to improve your organic search engine rankings. Book Review “The Dao of SEO — leave it to Ken Sproul to come up with an analogy that explains this ancient – well, ancient in Web years – mystery wrapped in an enigma hidden by a riddle better than any other explanation I’ve seen. Ken brings his unique perspective as a Westerner who has studied Chinese culture and history. He has applied Daoist principles to the very ethereal concept of SEO by explaining, in simple terms, that which is by its very nature almost impossible to explain (or comprehend, for that matter), yet is nevertheless a source of much angst and many sleepless nights for those of us who have sought to understand and unravel the mysteries. Ken has developed a way of thinking about SEO that allows it to be approached, and practiced like a fine martial art. When an individual masters the basics, builds upon that solid foundation, keeps focused, disciplined, humble, and balanced, then one can hone in on the skills to understand their opponent, find his weakness, and strike at precisely the right time, in the right place, with a decisive and focused burst of energy that will bring victory. I’ve
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