www.DianeHochman.com and http www.MLMxFactor.com Diane Hochman reporting LIVE from the StomperNet event in Atlanta real estate investing training marketing online website design gent web internet email tools advertising sales home based business home based businesses based business…
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One of our Lead Programmers shows how easy it is to use this smart software. Introducing DaShan Thomas, one of 2 Lead Programmers for MassUpdater 1.5, where you can build websites as well as update them. You can also add Mouseover Effects, you can drop Flash Video, Flash Ads and Flash Music. And, you can drop 4 different sized YouTube videos, plus you can even add Photo Galleries — all in one program! In this video series, DaShan Thomas will show you how to build a website the MassUpdater way. You can build a website in MassUpdater as easily as you would draw it on a dry erase board! First, log into your copy of MassUpdater. Type in your username and password, then click “continue” when your License is validated. DaShan Thomas shows you how quickly you can switch between pages to create and edit in MassUpdater — move from your home page to an about us page and back again instantly! No waiting for load times here! This speed allows you to copy content from one page to another with ease. As an example, DaShan Thomas will build a real estate website in MassUpdater, as easily as it was drawn on the dry erase board. It’s a nice, clean, attractive & professional website, and can be built by anyone regardless of technical ability. Starting with a blank page, DaShan Thomas clicks “Advanced Web Builders.” He explains that Advanced Web Builders are not intimidating or difficult to master. They are advanced purely because they are used to build websites, and are accessible to all …
Video Rating: 3 / 5