Byron Gordon, SEO-PR, interviews Nick Cox, Senior Product Manager – SearchMonkey, Yahoo Search, about the importance of blended search in SEO. Nick says in the old days of search you would rely on being listed in the first 10 blue links served up by Google search. But today this is no longer reliable. Nick says all search engines are breaking down search criteria by using multimedia, including video, images, links and text, making it easier for users to find what they are looking for. Nick says Yahoo is giving its users shortcuts that link to music and other related audio. With SearchMonkey, Yahoo is giving its users photos, deep links to elements of the page you would land on, calling out prices, and giving more than it ever did before. Nick says SearchMonkey is currently live in 23 markets; it’s a free platform and publishers are getting much better clickthrough rates. For more information on SearchMonkey go to: developer.yahoo.com
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